About Us
Dahari is a Comorian NGO created in 2013.
Dahari means «sustainable» or «forever».
Our slogan Komori ya leo na meso translates as «the Comoros of today and tomorrow».
Our theory of change
Our story
Creation of Community Engagement for Sustainable Development (ECDD) Project managed by Bristol Zoo Gardens
First team composed of 6 people
Funding Darwin Initiative of the British government and the GEF through PoWPA (Program of Work on Protected Areas) funds
Creation of the Ecology section with mapping projects and studies on birds, butterflies and reptiles supported by Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
Financing from theFrench Development Agency
Team of 20 people
Installation of agricultural experimentation and demonstration site of Mpagé
Exchange visits in Madagascar to learn about the approaches and development of an NGO
Adoption of theFarmer Field School approach for agricultural support
Publication of forest maps and distribution maps of terrestrial species of the three islands
Creation of Dahari on the 16th February 2013
First edition of the Agricultural fair
First funding from theEuropean Union for the Rural Development sector
Dahari becomes the first Comorian member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature
Start of the program Marine Resources Management in partnership with Blue Ventures
Team of 50 people
First funding from the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund
Signature of a first convention with the Faculty of ScienceUniversity of Comoros
Start of collaboration withBangor University et ICRAF (World Agroforestry Center)
Première reforestation campaign
Prime minister roost-site co-management agreement of Livingstone fruit bats signed at Adda
Integration into the CIRAD Germination network for the valorization of crop varieties
Release Sing 4 Comoros Forests, an album written by some of the best known Comorian artists to encourage the reforestation of Anjouan, followed by a series of concerts
First activities in Grande Comore with the Ujamaa association
Organization of the first temporary fishing closure in Anjouan
Recruitment ofcommunity workers for intervention villages
Emergency response to Cyclone Kenneth in partnership with the Red Crescent
Creation ofMobilization team
Fusion Ecology and Natural Resources Management teams
Emergency response to Covid-19 in partnership with the Regional Health Directorate
Development of a new five-year strategic plan via an inclusive approach
First program of professional training via teleworking for the team
Official presentation of 12 years of research and development in Anjouan at the University of the Comoros.
Seven policy recommendations to conserve terrestrial biodiversity on the island of Anjouan, Comoros archipelago published.
Launch of the new strategic plan
2022-2027.Dahari plans to support rural communities in the Comoros to restore at least 1000 hectares of forest and 730 hectares of reefs, in order to strengthen the resilience of livelihoods and biodiversity.
Dahari celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2023, sharing 10 key figures representing the evolution and impact of Dahari over the last decade.
Change of new programs: Forests, Agroforests et Marine
Our new strategy continues to take shape. We sign the first 30 agreements to restore the forests of Anjouan. We complete our review of the marine strategy, focusing going forwards on the creation of fishbanks.