Our team
In 2024, Dahari counts 59 employees coordinated by a management team of twelve including four directors.
We have six sub-teams : Forests Programme, Agroforests Programme, Marine Programme, Community Agents, Administration, Communication.
Dahari is proud of the diversity of origins of its team which is its strength, from national graduates to community agents, and including expatriates.

Abasse Abdou
Senior Accountant
Abasse followed management studies specializing in finance and accounting at the University of the Comoros and then in Madagascar. He first worked for Orange in Madagascar as a telephone advisor, then returned to Anjouan to become manager of a Telma store. He arrived at Dahari in May 2017 as an accountant and is responsible for monitoring and managing cash flow as well as bank reconciliations.

Abdullah Said
Marine Technician
Abdallah graduated with a Master 2 in Geography from the University of Tuléar, Madagascar. After returning to the Comoros, he joined Dahari in 2022 for his first professional experience. Abdallah works mainly in the Commune of Moya as a technician for the marine program. It works with local fishermen's associations to promote marine management initiatives and build the capacity of association members.

Abdillah Youssouf
Community Agent Grande Comore
Abdillah, a farmer from father to son in the village of Ivembéni, was supported in agroecology as part of the agricultural program led by Dahari in Ngazidja. He became, thanks to his knowledge of the village and the Massif de La Grille, the community relay of Ivembéni in 2022.

Aboubacar Zahahé
Charged Grande Comore
Holder of a master's degree in Agronomy and local development management, Aboubacar is responsible for the Rural Development team in Ngazidja. He ensures the coordination and monitoring of actions on the ground while technically assisting in the development of the intervention strategy on the capital island.

Aboulkader Fardane
Forestry Technician
Abdoulkader studied life and earth sciences at the University of the Comoros. Its missions are to support nursery growers in the production of trees for reforestation campaigns. Abdoulkader also works on the ecology aspect. Livingstone counting, georeferencing and collecting habitat data are part of his daily work. Above all, it allows him to be more in contact with nature, something he is passionate about.

Dr Ainouddine Sidi
Historian, Africanist and land specialist, Ainouddine is a graduate of the Universities of Dakar, Sorbonne Nouvelle and INALCO. He is a former professor at the University of the Comoros and former Director General of the CNDRS.

Ali Ahamadi
Treasurer of the Board of Directors
Ali is Director of the microcredit institution Sanduks d'Anjouan. After studying agronomy in France, he managed rural development programs before founding Sanduks in the 1990s.

Alioifa Boura
Community Agent
It was in 2013 that Alilioifa began working with Dahari as a community relay. It mainly operates in the Moya region south of Anjouan. With Maecha and CRDE Ngandzalé, Alilioifa completed a year of agricultural training. This allows him to train farmers in the absence of the responsible technician.

Amina Miradji
Marine Technician
Amina plays a vital role in collecting fisheries monitoring data and community mobilization for the implementation of marine resource management initiatives, specifically in the village of Dzindri. It was in 2017 that she joined Dahari after obtaining her bachelor's degree from the University of Comoros in life sciences.

Aniati Abdallah
Forest Technician
In 2018, Aniati carried out a study internship at Dahari on the monitoring and counting of Livingstone's fruit bats. The following year, she obtained her Bachelor's degree in life sciences from the University of the Comoros. In 2023, she took the opportunity to apply to Dahari in the forestry program. After a few months of internships on biodiversity monitoring and the mission of carrying out aerial mapping of the forest, Aniati becomes an employee of Dahari in 2024.

Angela Rajaonina
Senior Accountant
After obtaining a master's degree in finance and accounting in Antananarivo, Angela joined Dahari as an accounting assistant for her first professional experience in the Comoros. She is responsible for supplier and service provider relationships, purchasing and monitoring office supplies and supports her team in carrying out numerous administrative and accounting tasks.

Anllaouddine Abou
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Anllaouddine is professor of ecology at the University of the Comoros in Moroni. He has worked with several international institutions including FAO, IFAD and GEF on interventions in the Comoros focused on environmental impacts, global warming, natural resource management and endangered species.

Anrzaki Soumaili
Community Relay
Anzraki has been working on behalf of Dahari since 2020 in the villages of Iméré, Salamni, Dzindiri and Vassy. Graduated with a degree in agronomy in Madagascar, he raises awareness among local farmers for the implementation of our programs. It is he who takes care of the reception and distribution of materials for the beneficiaries.

Dr Anssoufouddine
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
Dr Anssoufouddine Mohamed is a cardiologist at Hombo Hospital in Mutsamudu. It is committed to the fight against non-communicable diseases including cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Author of poetry and fiction, he is present on the cultural scene through the Club Soirhane de Mirontsy.

Assani Anli
Community Agent
Assane Anli carries out his functions as a community relay in the Adda region. After benefiting from agricultural training during the ECDD project, he joined Dahari in 2016. His daily missions consist of monitoring demonstration plots. Among other things, Assane organizes training and meetings between our technicians and beneficiaries.

Assani Hambali
Senior Agroforests Technician
Assani Hambali, nicknamed “Domoni”, has specialized in the agricultural field since 1982. He started as a technician in the Support for Small Producers of Nioumakélé project, then became an agricultural technician in the DECVAS project before joining the PNDHD project and Dahari. He started as an agricultural technician in Bimbini-Lingoni before becoming zone manager.

Bacar Houmadi
Security agent
Bacar ensures the security of our premises, and also provides valuable support with maintenance and logistics. Employed at Dahari for years, he is one of the pillars of the NGO.

Badrane Ben Ali Abdou
Forestry Technician
In 2016, Badrane obtained his master's degree in life and environmental science through a zoology course at the University of Mahajanga. Towards the end of 2017, he began an internship on Livingstone counting with Dahari. In 2019, he continued the training courses on monitoring flying foxes using GPS tags. In 2023, after seven years of experience, Badrane was recruited to Dahari as a technician on the Livingstone program. Its role is to follow the movements of the flying foxes, as well as their roosting and feeding sites.

Chaharizade Moussa
Forestry Technician
In 2020, Chaharizade graduated with a Bachelor's degree in life and environmental science from the University of Comoros. Since then, she has participated in all seasons of the annual population count of Rousset (tes de Livingstone with Dahari agents as an intern. In June 2023, she started a full-time internship at Dahari on the monitoring of nurseries, on conservation agreements and also traveled several kilometers of the Moya forest to accompany a mission to carry out aerial mapping. In 2024, she became a full employee of Dahari in the forest program.

Combo Abdallah
Senior Agroforests Technician
Combo studied at the National School of Agriculture in Mohéli. He worked for 15 years as a veterinary technician on the island before joining the Dahari team in September 2016 as an agricultural technician. He works with farmers in the villages of the southern zone of the island of Anjouan and is also involved in livestock breeding.

Edwin Pygnegar
Scientific Advisor on conservation agreements
Edwin is a postdoctoral researcher in the School of Natural Sciences, Bangor University, UK. His work focuses on designing and implementing conservation agreements, as well as setting up experiments to robustly evaluate the impacts of conservation programs. He has been part of the Dahari team since October 2022 and plays a central role in developing the conservation agreements program in Dahari's 2022-27 strategic plan. He brings several years of experience in developing conservation agreement programs with the Bolivian NGO Fundación Natura Bolivia, where he first worked as a collaborating researcher during his doctoral studies and subsequently as head of the " Natura's innovation laboratory.

Fakidine Zaidane Soula
Senior Marine Technician
Fakidine studied in Conakry where he obtained his master's degree in community development before joining the Dahari team in 2019 as a community mobilizer. Its functions allow it to be in contact with producers and to exchange and collect the information necessary to improve the productivity of local groups.

Faissoil Said
Sailor Manager
Responsible for assessing marine biodiversity, he supervises community technicians for field activities. It also ensures fishing monitoring as part of the evaluation of communities' fishing effort and ecological monitoring.

Fanny "Effy" Vessaz
Director Marin
Sent to the heart of Dahari as part of our partnership with Blue Ventures, Effy provides technical support on the management of marine resources and supervises the team and its activities since September 2017. With extensive experience in the field of marine conservation in different tropical countries, she brings essential skills to the development of the program.

Fatima Ousseni
Sailor Manager
She joined Dahari in January 2016 as a socio-economic research officer in the marine management component after four years of work in the ECDD (Community Engagement for Sustainable Development) project. Fatima studied natural sciences at the University of Mahajanga, where she obtained a master's degree with a specialization in waste management. She is currently in charge of mobilizing marine activities in the Vassy area.

Haboulati Said
Marine Technician
A young graduate of the University of the Comoros, Haboulati joined the NGO Dahari for her first job as a mobilizer in the rural development team.

Hachim Mhodari
Community Agent
Hachim works in the village of Ouzini. He joined Dahari in 2021 as community relays. He brings his experiences to the various training courses on sustainable agricultural techniques that benefit farmers. Monitoring and maintaining banana sprouts is also part of its program.

Hilal Saidina
Marine Technician
Hilal plays an essential role in collecting fishing monitoring data and community mobilization for the implementation of community marine resource management initiatives, specifically in the village of Salamani.

Himdata Aboubacar
General Secretary of the Board of Directors
Himdata Aboubacar has taught mathematics and life and earth sciences in Moroni since 1993. A member of Dahari since its creation in February 2013, she is currently general secretary of the board of directors.

Hugh Doulton
After studying biology at the University of Oxford and a master's degree in environment and international development at the University of East Anglia, Hugh embarked on the ECDD adventure in 2007, a project that he had developed following research in the Comoros in 2005. He is one of the founding members of the NGO Dahari and held the role of Technical Director until 2017, when he became Strategic Advisor while supporting other local conservation NGOs in East Africa and Madagascar for Maliasili. He returns as co-Director in 2020 to advance the strategic development of the NGO.

Ibrahim Mohamed
Forestry Program Manager
After obtaining a degree in earth and environmental science at the University of the Comoros, he continued his studies in Madagascar where he obtained his DEA in geosciences and technologies. He joined Dahari in 2019 as a mobilizer and his mission is to support farmer groups.

Isabella Mandl
Endangered species intervention researcher
Isabella is a postdoctoral researcher working for Bat Conservation International. She has worked with Dahari since 2018 on research and protection of Livingstone's flying fox populations in Anjouan and, with her expertise in behavioral ecology and conservation, she is leading the ongoing GPS monitoring study of flying foxes. With Dahari, she studies bat movements and resource use in the Anjouan landscape. She also shared advice on Dahari's ecological research, including annual monitoring of fruit bats, and helps disseminate research results to the public.

Ishaka Said
Senior Forestry Technician
Ishaka has developed great expertise in biodiversity thanks to 20 years of experience in the Comorian forests for various research and conservation projects. He joined the ECDD project in 2008 before becoming an ecological technician at Dahari as well as its first eco-tourist guide.

Misbahou Mohamed
Holder of a master's degree in natural and environmental resources management from the University of Tamatave, he joined the ECDD project very early on as a facilitator. His mastery of the field and his skills allowed him to become executive director of Dahari when it was created in 2013. He then obtained a capacity building scholarship from the Darwin Initiative of the British government to follow training in conservation and sustainable development in England, France and Madagascar. He returned to the Comoros a year later to occupy the position of strategic coordinator then technical director, and finally co-director.

Moudi Mohamed
Senior Agroforests Technician
Originally from Adda, Mourdi is an agricultural engineer graduated from the Higher Agronomic and Veterinary Institute of Conakry. On his return to the country, he became a SVT teacher in a private school in Salamani and at the same time created an agricultural association in Niumakélé. He then joined Dahari as an agricultural technician in order to mobilize producers, but also to provide training and visits to the villages of Moya and Kowé.

Moustali Mouhoudhoir
After a first career as a Gendarme in the internal security of the Comoros, Moustali has worked since 2001 as a tourist guide, which allowed him to explore every nook and cranny of the island of Anjouan. In 2023, he joined the Dahari team as a driver. He also carries out tasks on the purchase of materials for the NGO.

Moustoifa AHMED
Senior Marine Technician
Moustoifa holds a MASTER II in marine sciences and specializes in applied oceanology at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Antsiranana (UNA). He is determined to carry out his conservation missions through his work on reef and fishing monitoring.

Moustoifa Ben Ali
Community Agent
Moustoifa is a farmer-breeder in Maouéni, in the Massif de La region. Grille, on the island of Ngazidja. Leader of a Dahari beneficiary group since 2020, he accompanied our teams for a socio-economic study of the area. Through his dynamism, commitment and motivation, he joins our Grande Comore team as a community relay. He trains in the agroecological practices that we promote, ensuring the link with the villagers, monitoring activities (training, planting, germination, PDD, etc.) and implementing techniques that respect our environment.

Moustoifa Oussene Mhadji
Community Agent
Since 2020, Moestoifa has been monitoring our beneficiaries' plots on a daily basis. He also maintains the banana sprouts and organizes group meetings. It is in the village of Outsa that he carries out his community relay functions.

Nadjib Bacar
Community Agent
Nadjib plays a major role in the collection of fishing monitoring data and community mobilization for the implementation of community management initiatives for marine resources, specifically in the village of Vassy.

Nadjil Saindou Kassim
Communications Officer
A graduate in diplomatic communications, Nadjil began his career by opening an educational guidance center in Anjouan. He then joined Dahari as a communications officer. Its mission is to ensure the visibility of the NGO at the local, national and international level, as well as to develop internal communication.

Nassifati Alim Baraka
Technician Grande Comore
A graduate in Earth Science and Life at the University of the Comoros in 2022, Nassifati was recruited as a Nagzidja Field Technician following a successful internship at Dahari. She participates in carrying out socio-economic studies in order to improve understanding of the association of the context of the Massif de La Grille and with a view to developing a Forest protection program.

Nassuboudine Aoussiddine
Senior Marine Technician
Nassuboudine, better known as Nassub, is a Master II graduate in biochemistry, microbiology and applied biotechnology at the University of Mahajanga Madagascar. A GRM technician since 2020, Nassub plays an active role in the implementation of activities aimed at sustainable and community management of marine resources. He supervises activities to promote fishing products, as well as the implementation of sustainable fishing techniques as an alternative to destructive techniques.

Nastazia Mohamed
Forestry Officer
Holder of a degree in earth and environmental sciences obtained at the University of Patsy, Nastazia first joined Dahari for an internship in the ecology center for the counting of Livingstone fruit bats and the sampling of nocturnal reptiles terrestrial. She then joined the team full-time as a natural resources management technician, and now participates in supervising participatory monitoring, monitoring reforestation, counting flying foxes and even developing maps.

Oumar Mohamed
Agroforests Manager
Omar studied agricultural sciences in Madagascar before working for several NGOs such as the Antsirabe nurseries and CAP. He joined Dahari in September 2016 as an agricultural technician and is responsible for monitoring the rural development team.

Owen Lewis
Scientific Advisor on Forest Biodiversity
Owen is professor of ecology at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. Its team of researchers studies the impacts of environmental changes on plant and animal communities, particularly in tropical forests, and the consequences on ecosystem services. One of its main objectives is to develop landscape-scale solutions to maintain biodiversity and people's livelihoods. Owen first worked in the Comoros in the 1990s, studying the islands' endemic butterflies. More recently, he has provided strategic and technical advice to Dahari on biodiversity and forest mapping and monitoring, helping to define conservation priorities.

Raissa Bakari
Senior Technician Grande Comore
Raïssa has worked at Dahari since 2019, where she arrived after studying anthropobiology and sustainable development at the University of Antananarivo in Madagascar. She puts her skills at the service of her mission as a mobilizer. Passionate about contact with farmers, she listens to their needs and supports them in their daily activities.

Senior Agroforests Technician
After a master's degree in sustainable agriculture and water resources management, Roifiki continued his studies to become a rural engineering engineer at the Valéry Giscard d'Estaing Higher Institute of Agriculture in Faranah (ISAV-VGE) in Guinea. His missions at Dahari allow him to exercise a job in line with his personal values, in fact, he contributes to improving the living conditions of farmers and their families both in rural areas and those who live in villages in maritime.

Said Mohamed Ali Said
Advisor to the Board of Directors
Said specialized in rural development at the University of Picardie Jules Verne - France. In his capacity as UNDP/GEF project manager in the field of environment from 1998 to 2006, he acquired solid experience in the design and coordination of sustainable natural resource management projects as well as in the organizational development of communities. local. He is also experienced in the mysteries of the Comorian administration through the positions of secretary general of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment, secretary general of the Comorian Government and secretary general of the assembly of the Union of the Comoros which he successively occupied from 2006 to 2018. Today, he is the owner of the Vanilla Lodge hotel in Mohéli.

Sean Southey
Communications advisor
Sean Southey is currently the CEO of the Canadian Wildlife Federation, one of the largest environmental organizations in Canada. He has over 30 years of experience in the international development and communications field, notably with the UNDP, Rare and PCI Media. In 2016, Sean was elected Chair of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Commission on Education and Communication (CEC). In this role, he has worked tirelessly to enhance IUCN’s use of strategic communications for social change. Sean provides expertise to Dahari on communicating effectively with farmer and fishers around its forest and reef conservation programmes.

Siti Mohamed
Director Marin
Siti studied Philosophy at the University of Tamatave in Madagascar before specializing in natural resource management. She has accompanied Dahari since the creation of the association, first as a facilitator then as an agricultural technician. At the beginning of 2014, Siti took the position of Monitoring-Evaluation Officer, then she became Director of Human Resources and Social Mobilization.

Salim Ibrahim Sheikh
Senior Forestry Technician
Salim holds a master's degree in environment and land use planning from the University of Tananarive, which he first took to the position of head of the Anjouan forestry service at the Regional Environment Directorate, then in as head of perspective studies at the Regional Directorate of Town Planning and Housing. He arrived in Dahari as a reforestation technician and mobilizer to monitor nurseries, georeferencing reforested areas, raising awareness among groups and monitoring agricultural activities.

Samirou Soulaïmana
Senior Forestry Technician
Originally from Mrémani, Samirou studied economics at the University of Antananarivo in Madagascar where he obtained a Master 2 in project management and local development. After an internship at Ndzuani Gold, he joined Dahari as a natural resources management agent. He will be responsible in particular for reforestation and its monitoring, as well as the establishment of nurseries.

Sven Ten Napel
Advisor for Agroforests Programme and M&E
After studying tropical agronomy, Sven started working in development cooperation in Africa. He joined us during the ECDD project where he contributed for three years to the emergence of Dahari before leaving for other horizons. Sven returned in 2022 as an Advisor for the Agroforestry Programme and is M&E.

Taoufic Said Abdouroihmane
Community Agent
Ngandzalé and Salamani are the main areas of intervention for Taoufic Saïd. He debuted with Dahari in 2020 on raising awareness and popularizing sustainable agricultural techniques. It also receives various agricultural materials for the beneficiaries of our programs.

Tim Pagella
Scientific Advisor on Forests and Water
Tim is a lecturer in forestry at Bangor University, UK, and frequently collaborates with the World Agroforestry Centre, ICRAF. As a systems scientist working primarily on agroforestry systems, his research focuses in particular on the capacity of trees outside forests to provide ecosystem services, resilience and sustainable intensification. Tim has supported Dahari since 2016, providing input on watershed management and agroforestry approaches, as well as their monitoring and evaluation.

Volatiana Raharisoa
Senior Accountant
Volatiana studied management, finance and accounting in 2010 in Madagascar. She then worked in various companies as an accountant before joining Dahari in December 2015 where she is in charge of recording accounting documents.

Youssouf Katada
Senior Agroforests Technician
Katada studied at the Moroni National Horticultural Center before joining Dahari as manager of the Pagé site where he is responsible for seed multiplication, experiments and demonstrations.
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